What Women Want 2023 Feedback Survey

Name (optional)
How did you hear about What Women Want?
Please add any details from your choice above:
On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, please rate your overall experience at the event.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend the event to your friends and family, with 1 being not likely at all and 10 being extremely likely?
How would you rate the catering services at the event?
Did you have the opportunity to network and connect with other attendees?
5. Networking Activities
Were there any networking activities or opportunities that you found particularly beneficial?
How would you rate the organization and logistics of the event, including registration, venue, and facilities?
Were there any issues or challenges you encountered during the event that we should address?
Do you have any suggestions for improving future Inspire events?
Please use this space to provide any additional comments or feedback you would like to share about your experience at this event.
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