EMERGENCY GUIDE 20221 FRIDAY, 27 MAY 2022 EMERGENCY GUIDE 2023 E EMERGENCY KIT STORM PREDICTIONS STAY SAFE IN A TSUNAMI SURVIVING AN EARTHQUAKEcgcoralisle.com | @cgcoralisle Good Like That. British Caymanian Insurance Company Limited BritCay House, 236 Eastern Avenue, P.O. Box 74 George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1102, Cayman Islands tel: Grand Cayman 949-8699 | Cayman Brac 948-1760 Hurricane season is here. There’s no time like now to assess how you are protecting your home. Call us to ensure you have the right coverage at the right value. Don’t waste time until there’s no time to waste.EMERGENCY GUIDE 20232 Tropical Storm Eta, 2020. Photo: Taneos Ramsay Compass Centre, 319 Shedden Road, George Town, PO Box 1365, Grand Cayman KY1-1108, Cayman Islands. Emergency Guide Editor Laura Munyard Durston Contributing Writers Laura Munyard Durston Jenny Gabruch Catherine MacGillivray Graphic Design (editorial) Beth Ormerod - Outside contractor Graphic Design (advertisements) Alex Angel Taneos Ramsay Head of Sales Cheryl Birch-Gillies Sales Representatives Anne Kensington Cody Moore Brenda Rubes Michael Staniewicz Eric Vincent Marketing Whitney Foster Printed by • Knowwhereyourhome’swater valveislocatedandhowto operateit. • Don’tplanttreesorshrubsnearwater meterboxesoroveryourhome’s buriedwaterpipe,astheycanuproot duringstormwindsanddamagethe pipes,causingwaterleakage. • Ifyouevacuateyourhomeorleave yourplaceofbusiness,TURNOFFyour watervalvebeforeyouleave. • Intheeventofamajorstorm,normal waterservicewillmostlikelybe interrupted,sostock-upbeforehand. • Ifwaterserviceisinterrupted,Cayman Waterwillmakeannouncementsas towhereservicewillberestoredand whenpipedwaterwillbeavailable. Listenfortheseannouncements throughtheHazardManagement CaymanIslandsorother disasterrecoverymedia. • Afterthepassageofastorm,ifyou suspectyourhome’splumbingis damaged,closeyourvalve untilyourplumbingcanbeto preventwastage. • Tocheckforwaterleakageinyour plumbing,observeyourwatermeter. Oncewaterserviceisrestored, carefullyturnalltaps,faucetsand toiletvalves,sonowaterisbeing usedanywhereinyourhouse. Open yourmainvalveifclosed andobserveyourwatermeter. Ifit movesconstantlyyourplumbingis mostlikelydamagedandthewateris leaking. Closebackyourmain valveuntilyoucanlocateandrepair yourplumbing’sleak. RegattaPark,Windward3,4thFloor, WestBayRd MontoFri 8:30amto4:30pm info@caymanwater.com Tel:345-945-4277 Fax:345-945-4191 www.caymanwater.com remindsitsvaluedcustomersto bepreparedthisstormseasonEMERGENCY GUIDE 20234 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 MESSAGE FROM DANIELLE COLEMAN Director, Hazard Management Cayman Islands. EMERGENCY NUMBERS Important numbers for emergency situations. GET THE EMERGENCY ALERT APP HMCI NENS app. &$<0$1·6/2&$7,21$1' NATURAL DISASTERS +RZGRHV&D\PDQ·V geographical location affect risk? EMERGENCY KIT Be prepared. MAKE YOUR HOME SAFE Prepare your property for storms. KNOW THE STORM ALERTS Learn the warnings and appropriate responses. SAFFIR-SIMPSON HURRICANE WIND SCALE How hurricane strengths are rated. ATLANTIC STORM NAMES FOR 2023 7KLV\HDU·VQDPHV 23 24 25 26 28 30 32 34 36 EXPERTS PREDICT BELOW AVERAGE HURRICANE SEASON Colorado State 8QLYHUVLW\·VRXWORRN COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAMS Volunteers increase community resilience. CAYMAN ISLANDS REGIMENT $ORRNDW&D\PDQ·VÀUVWIRUPDO military formation. AFTER THE STORM – CLEAN UP SAFELY Cayman Islands Fire Service tips. CAYMAN AND CLIMATE CHANGE Q&A with Wayne Panton, Premier and Minister of Sustainability & Climate Resiliency. TRAVEL DOCUMENTS Keep essential paperwork handy. PUBLIC SHELTERS Know where to go in an emergency. EVACUATION DURING A DISASTER When does mandatory evacuation occur? STAY SAFE IN A TSUNAMI What steps to take when a warning is issued. 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 CAYMAN ISLANDS COAST GUARD Emergencies at sea require specialist rescue operations. SURVIVING AN EARTHQUAKE Quick steps to take. MAKE A PLAN FOR YOUR PETS Include pets in disaster plans. '21·73/$<:,7+),5( 5HGXFHWKHULVNRIÀUHVVWDUWLQJ KEEP FOOD SAFE Before, during and after a storm. MAKE TIME FOR YOUR MENTAL HEALTH Take care of yourself during stressful times. KEEP IT CLEAN Sanitation during an emergency is important. THE POLICE ARE HERE TO HELP Keeping order within the community. EMERGENCY TRAINING Where to gain skills for emergency response. FIRST AID KIT Essentials to have at hand. 2023 EMERGENCY GUIDEProviding professional pest control and hygiene services to Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac & Little Cayman. GENERAL PEST CONTROL • Residential & Commercial • Rodent Control • Fire Ant & Carpenter Ant Control • Scorpions • Inspections & Reports LAWN & ORNAMENTAL • Lawn Spraying & Feeding • Shrub & Tree Spraying Pestkil Ltd., strives to protect the community and would like you to be prepared this Hurricane Season by protecting your property from unwanted pests. &QKVTKIJVVJGƂTUVVKOG (345) 949-9145 • www.Pestkil.com 311 Walkers Road • George Town • PO Box 2316 • Grand Cayman KY1-1106 Seal entryways with caulk where insects or rodents could enter Remove any containers that can collect water from around your property Prune branches that are close to your home which can give easy access for rodents Remove all sources of standing water Dispose of all spoiled or damp food and dry goods Remove all trash and debris from inside and outside your property #HGYVKRUVJKU JWTTKECPGUGCUQP TREATMENT FOR TERMITES • Pre-Construction Treatment • Sentricon Termite Baiting System • New Heat Treatment • Precision Treatment CAYMAN’S LEADER IN PEST CONTROL SINCE 1982. BEFORE AFTER • Seal all holes and access points around the house. Displaced bees will be looking for new shelter. • Any home hives should be strapped and closed during a storm to prevent damage or displacement • Avoid any existing hives or have them relocated before the storm. Bees get very temperamental leading up to bad weather. • Notify neighboring properties if you have beehives so they can take necessary precautions • Before a storm notify Cayman Bee Farm to come and safely remove any wild beehives to their farm • Do not approach any displaced bees after a storm CONTACT THE BEE FARM 925-2337 / 925-BEES Bees play an important role in the vegetation’s recovery after a storm, which in turn increases the food source of many people and animals across the islands. when preparing for a stormEMERGENCY GUIDE 20236 Message from Danielle Coleman Director, Hazard Management Cayman Islands A s Director of Hazard Management Cayman Islands, I am pleased to support the publication of the Compass Media Emergency Guide again in 7KHSXEOLFDWLRQFRQWDLQVORWVRI great information to help you prepare and respond appropriately. I strongly encourage you to read it and take the actions necessary to stay safe and protect your property and family throughout the hurricane season. The team at HMCI, the Cayman Islands National Weather Service and the personnel in the Ministry of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency are working to reduce vulnerability and build resilience from hazards in the Cayman Islands. Numerous initiatives are underway, such as improved risk analysis and forecasting, faster and more reliable emergency communications, additional shelter spaces are coming on stream and there are new strategies for climate change adaptation and mitigation; but this drive for a strong and resilient Cayman also depends on every individual, every family and every business to do their part, too. There is a common expression, “When you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” If a natural or human-triggered disaster strikes, you should know what to do, otherwise it can be a stressful and potentially even life-threatening situation. With a little preparedness and plan rehearsal, however, you can make sure your family and pets are safe. In these pages you will learn how to prepare for a disaster, create a plan and practise it to perfection. +XUULFDQHVÁRRGVHDUWKTXDNHVDQG even tsunamis, not to mentioned human-triggered crises, like house ÀUHVKDSSHQZLWKOLWWOHZDUQLQJ but fortunately they happen very infrequently. These low frequency but high impact events make them more challenging to prepare for, and some will inevitably leave things to the last minute. I urge you not to fall into the ¶ODVWPLQXWH·FDWHJRU\ If forced to evacuate or hunker down DWKRPHWKHXQSUHSDUHGPD\ÀQG themselves panicking. Prepare for an unforeseen emergency by putting together an emergency kit (for a more complete list of what it should include, read the Emergency Guide or visit caymanprepared.ky). Once \RXKDYHSUHSDUHG\RXUNLWLW·VWLPHWR formulate a plan of action. This includes identifying where you will stay in case of evacuation – a copy of the Family Plan and the list of emergency shelters are available on caymanprepared.ky. If you are planning to hunker down DWKRPHLQDKXUULFDQH\RXPXVWÀUVW make sure it is possible to get high enough to avoid the possibility of life-threatening storm surge. Persons near the coast also have to consider the added possibility of very large destructive waves. Select a safe interior room, which you will stock with your emergency essentials when a hurricane approaches. Remember an unrehearsed plan is a EDGSODQ:KHWKHULW·VDÀUHGULOODQ evacuation plan or a shelter-in-place plan, you should rehearse it, because rehearsing makes it realistic. By SUDFWLVLQJ\RX·OOEHDEOHWRÀOODQ\KROHV in your plan and mitigate unforeseen SUREOHPV7KRXJK\RXFDQ·WSUHYHQW natural disasters or emergencies from happening, you can be prepared for them. We recognise that with sea level rising and the likelihood of more intense and powerful hurricanes, there are challenges, and threats to consider and SODQIRUEXWZHDUHFRQÀGHQWWKDWRXU people will rise to meet these threats DQGRXULVODQGVZLOOFRQWLQXHWRÁRXULVK and thrive. Hopefully we will have a quiet and uneventful hurricane season, but just in case, please take time to identify threats, formulate a plan and practise ZKDW\RX·OOGRLIDQHPHUJHQF\VWULNHVOur cleaning, disinfecting and infectious disease prevention and control methods are all 3rd party verified by the GBAC. Infectious disease outbreaks are still prevelant during hurricanes/natural disasters. Keeping the patrons of your building safe is our number one priority at A1 Cleaning Services. FOR MORE INFORMATION +1 (345) 949.5960 | +1 (345) 926.6756 or Visit www.a1cleaningservices.ky Email us at: service@a1cleaningservices.ky Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm A1 Cleaning Services is an Accredited Cleaning Services business by the only Infectious Disease and Prevention accreditation organization globally. UNIT 2, HIGHGROVE BUSINESS PARK • 134 SPARKY DRIVE. INDUSTRIAL PARK. SERVING CAYMAN FOR OVER 20 YEARSNext >